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The Rise of the Roman Style Pizzeria

Roman Pizza Academy

Pizza is a $30 billion per year industry. Such is America’s love for pizza, there are now over 61,269 pizzerias in the United States and as a nation, we dedicated the whole month of October to be recognized as National Pizza Month.

If you live in America, it’s statistically likely you’ll eat around 6000 slices of pizza over the course of your life. Mamma Mia, that’s a lot of pizza!

Did you know that Italian continuously ranks as the most popular food choice of all time in America? (Courtesy of the National Restaurant Association).

According to NAPO, 350 slices of pizza are sold every second. That dishes out huge potential to take a generous slice of the (pizza) pie if you’re planning on opening your own pizza restaurant.

To meet the continuous demand for high culinary standards from the modern foodie consumer, Roman-style pizza is the hottest trend in the food business, with no signs of slowing down any time this century.

Where did it all start?

Way back in 1835, Alexandre Dumas, the author of The Three Musketeers, traveled to Naples, where he observed that the Italian locals ate nothing but pizza, and found himself intrigued by the delicious aromatic aromas that were filling the air all around him.

In the early 20th Century, pizza was predominantly consumed and sold by working-class Italian immigrants, but after World War II, American soldiers returned to America from Italy with an appetite for pizza. And thus, the rise of America’s phenomenal commercial demand for pizza was born.

The Roman Pizza Academy was established for one sole reason. To share our passion for Roman-Style Pizza (Pizza al Taglio) with all food enthusiasts from restaurant owners dreaming of opening their own Italian pizzeria to cooking hobbyists inspired to master the sacred art of Roman-style Italian pizza perfection.

We teach the most authentic Italian culinarian experience via our cooking lessons in Miami with our Rome-trained chefs and Italian imported cooking equipment and tools.

Who are Roman pizza cooking classes for?

We offer expert one-to-one training for everyone from the casual pizza lover and food professional eager to add pizza skills to their qualifications to the aspiring chef and Roman style pizzeria owner. Discover more about our classes here.


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